Key Agreements Reached After Taxi Strike in Barcelona

Fila de taxis estacionados durante la huelga de taxis en Barcelona.

On 17 June 2024, the taxi strike in Barcelona was called off after important agreements were reached with local and national administrations. Representatives of the taxi sector had been pushing for changes in the regulation of VTC (Vehicles for Transport with Driver) licences, a key issue to avoid unfair competition with platforms such as Uber and Bolt, which operate under more flexible regulations.

After a series of intensive meetings, new measures were agreed that will limit the number of VTC licences and ensure that they comply with local and national regulations. One of the most important new developments is the development of a specific digital platform for booking adapted taxis. Through this application, users will be able to request the service further in advance, receive real-time information on the availability of vehicles and choose from various options, such as access ramps or vehicles with more space for wheelchairs.

However, they also made it clear that they will remain vigilant about future government decisions, as they believe there is still work to be done to ensure a fair environment for the taxi sector. Despite the truce reached, they do not rule out further mobilisations if promises are not kept as promised.